Millions of adults suffer from either diagnosed or undiagnosed sleep-disordered breathing. The best known form of this problem is obstructive sleep apnea, a condition that seriously deprives a person of restful sleep or sufficient oxygen all night long. The sleeper snores, then stops breathing and struggles for air. Finally, he or she chokes, snorts and gasps in air, only to repeat this struggle repeatedly through the night.
The worst part of sleep apnea is that it contributes to or causes a long list of health problems ranging from memory loss and high blood pressure to increased risk of heart attack or dementia to depression and anxiety. Left untreated, it can be fatal.
Till now, the solutions have involved surgery or strapping a breathing machine over one’s face or wearing a mouth appliance intended to help open the airway during sleep. Dr. Maryam Seifi, a Diplomate of the American Sleep and Breathing Academy, has found an innovative and life-changing method of effectively treating the problem.
If you would like to learn more about Dr. Seifi’s non-invasive treatment for sleep-disordered breathing, call our office at (301) 770-1070.